Louis Keates profile
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About Louis

Louis is a Consultant, specialising in the Hong Kong and Singapore markets. He is newer to Legal Recruitment and supports the team in areas such as Dispute Resolution, Banking and Finance, Restructuring, M&A, Funds, Capital Markets, Intellectual Property and Employment.

In his spare time, Louis plays football for Hong Kong Scottish, is an avid squash player and enjoys hiking around Hong Kong.

​Of the many recruiters I have interacted with, Louis has been one of the most helpful and effective. His timely and practical advice at all stages of the process, from submitting my CV, attending interviews, and accepting an offer was invaluable.

Disputes Associate

​Louis was a pleasure to work with. He presented a strong selection of relevant, high-quality candidates, and managed the recruitment process diligently and efficiently with our HR team.

Partner- International Firm

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